4th meeting of the Mercury Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee - INC4
27th June- 2nd July 2012, Punta de L'Este, Uruguay
The fourth Mercury of Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee will be taking place on 27th June- 2nd July 2012,in Punta de L'Este, Uruguay
All relevant documents and details about the meeting can be found at the UNEP website.
In preparation for the INC 4 on Mercury, the following ZMWG position papers have been developed (May 2012):
ZMWG Preliminary Views on the INC 4 Draft Treaty text - English version
ZMWG Preliminary Views on the INC 4 Draft Treaty text - French
ZMWG Preliminary Views on the INC 4 Draft Treaty text - Arabic
ZMWG Preliminary Views on the INC 4 Draft Treaty text - Portuguese
ZMWG Preliminary Views on the INC 4 Draft Treaty text - Russian
ZMWG Preliminary Views on the INC 4 Draft Treaty text - Spanish
PRELIMINARY ZMWG RESPONSE TO CoChairs Emissions Paper May 2012 - EN
PRELIMINARY ZMWG RESPONSE TO CoChairs Emissions Paper May 2012 - ES
Zero Mercury Working Group Initial Comments on Products/Processes Discussion Paper June 2012
ZMWG Views on Mercury Use in Dental Amalgam, June 2012
ZMWG activities while at INC 4
The ZMWG carried out an action for INC4 whose theme was: Zero Mercury Flow: End Toxic Trade Now! Polluter pays! Ten NGO colleagues wore placards showing faces of persons harmed by the use of mercury-added skin lightening creams, to raise awareness – passing the message that this is the effect when mercury flows also in products. We carried out this action in front of the plenary room handing out bookmarks and lanyards and USBs that carried the key messages that we wanted to communicate to the delegates and that focused on supply, trade and the effects of mercury use in products. (see photo at: http://www.iisd.ca/mercury/inc4/, as well as photos below)
ZMWG statements while at INC 4 were given on the opening, on storage, waste and contaminated sites, on section J (art. 18-19), on emissions and releases, on finance and technical assistance, on products and processes, on supply and trad, on article 20 bis on Health, and on article 21 national implementation plans.
Other relevant documents
WHO Factsheets: Skin Lightening and Health Care
Mercury in skin-lightening products
Arabic: http://www.who.int/entity/ipcs/assessment/public_health/mercury_flyer_ar.pdf
Chinese: http://www.who.int/entity/ipcs/assessment/public_health/mercury_flyer_cn.pdf
English: http://www.who.int/entity/ipcs/assessment/public_health/mercury_flyer.pdf
Mercury in health care
Arabic: http://www.who.int/entity/water_sanitation_health/medicalwaste/mercury_ar.pdf
English: http://www.who.int/entity/water_sanitation_health/medicalwaste/mercurypolpap230506.pdf
French: http://www.who.int/entity/water_sanitation_health/medicalwaste/mercureorientstrat.pdf
Spanish: http://www.who.int/entity/water_sanitation_health/medicalwaste/mercurio_es.pdf
Substitution of mercury sphygmomanometers and thermometers