First Conference of the Parties of the Minamata Convention on Mercury (COP1)
24-29 September 2017, Geneva, Switzerland.
All UN Environment relevant documents and details about the meeting can be found at the dedicated UNEP website.
ZMWG publications and position papers
ZMWG Views on COP 1 Decisions, September 2017, EN, FR, ES, RU
ZMWG Trade Fact Sheet, September 2017, EN, FR, ES, RU
ZMWG/NRDC ASGM Trade Fact Sheet, September 2017, EN, FR, ES, RU
UNEP brochure (co-drafted by MPP) - Lessons from countries phasing down dental amalgam use
ZMWG Statements @ COP1
Opening Statement, 24 September
Statement on Reporting of Mercury Supply and Trade, 25 September 2017
Statement on Interim Storage, 25 September 2017
Statement on Waste, 26 September 2017
Statement on Matters for Future Action Art 3, 26 September 2017
Statements on Matters for Future Action Art 14, 26 September 2017
Closing Statement, 29 September 2017
Press releases
19 October 2017
ZMWG Blog - Summary Minamata COP 1
26 September 2017
As new global mercury treaty enters into force, worldwide mercury production skyrockets, note Global NGO Coalition on World Environmental Health Day , FR
22 September 2017
New treaty effectiveness will depend on adequacy of data to be collected, say NGOs
16 August 2017
New treaty's entry into force set to curtail global mercury crisis, say NGOs , ES, PT
Side events
Furthermore EEB/ZMWG also participated to several side events during the COP1- namely at:
- As part of the wider exhibition throughout the week, featuring the “Minamata Journey”, designed to step participants through a journey of the lifecycle of mercury and the Minamata Convention, a ZMWG exhibition booth was set up with the theme ‘Why should we take action?’ as per UN Environment request and a relevant poster was created.
A second poster displayed trade data of mercury exports to countries with significant artisanal and small scale gold mining (ASGM) activities. Many EEB/ZMWG publications were made available.
- The Thematic Session on Land (EEB and JVE-Ivory Coast speakers) and the Thematic Session on Water (NRDC, ICC speaker); the outcomes of these discussions were forwarded to the Ministerial Roundtables held during the High-Level Segment as background to the Ministers’ discussions.
- EEB/ZMWG- Agenda (Tanzania) and Friends of the Nation (Ghana) also participated at a side event at the UNEP ASGM Partnership Booth presenting its experiences on how to conduct miners consultations.
UNEP Partnership Advisory Group - 8th PAG
The EEB/ZMWG also attended the UNEP Global Partnership Advisory Group meeting which was held before the COP1. As part of the UNEP Mercury products partnership MPP presented the ZMWG developed checklist including steps that governments can take to phase out mercury added products.
Press coverage
Mercury trade on the up despite new UN treaty
New global mercury treaty enters into force - worldide mercury production skyrockets
World Environmental Health Day: Global mercury production skyrocketing says report
World Environmental Health Day: Groups express concern over sire on global mercury production
Minamata Convention’s entry into force to curtail global mercury crisis, say groups
New treaty’s entry into force set to curtail global mercury crisis, say NGOs
Campaigners hail entry into force of global mercury treaty EEB
UN treaty curbing mercury emission comes into effect