5th meeting of the Mercury Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee - INC 5
13-18 January 2013, Geneva, Switzerland
A letter has been sent to INC delegates on 7th January 2013 -
ZMWG letter: Last chance to develop strong treaty to reduce mercury exposure, 7 January 2013
Press releases
Last Chance for Governments to Develop Strong Global Mercury Treaty 12 January 2013
Mercury treaty rises but weak emissions regime undercuts progress 19 January 2013
Collection of INC 5 related press clips
All UNEP relevant documents and details about the meeting can be found at the relevant UNEP webpage.
In preparation for the INC 5 on Mercury, the following ZMWG position papers have been developed:
November 2012
ZMWG preliminary views on the Chair's draft text for INC 5, November 2012 - English
ZMWG preliminary views on the Chair's draft text for INC 5 November 2012 - French
ZMWG preliminary views on the Chair's draft text for INC 5 November 2012 - Spanish
ZMWG preliminary views on the Chair's draft text for INC 5 - November 2012 - Portuguese
ZMWG preliminary views on the Chair's draft text for INC 5 - November 2012 - Arabic
ZMWG preliminary views on the Chair's draft text for INC 5 - November 2012 - Russian
ZMWG INC 5 BRIEFING PAPER SERIES - ASGM and Mercury Trade , November 2012
ZMWG views on dental amalgam, January 2013
ZMWG STATEMENTS @ INC 5 took place on the opening, products and processes, Finance and technical assistance, Emissions and releases, supply and trade, ASGM, storage and waste, and on health.
In preparation for INC 5 ZMWG undertook a series of Communication activities:
Two Global ZMWG Webinars set for 4th December 2012 at 8.30 AM CET and 16.00 PM CET.
On the 4th December 2012, the Zero Mercury Working Group, in cooperation with scientists from the Biodiversity Research Institute (BRI) and with other prominent scientists, organised a global webinar to release new findings that demonstrate extensive mercury contamination of seafood and to summarize recent studies that show health effects from methylmercury occurring below the level that was considered “safe” just a few years ago. Scientists will highlight new research and explain why current government “safety limits” should be strengthened worldwide. The reports were released accompanied by a press release on the 4th December 2012.This came ahead of the final round of United Nations negotiations, scheduled in January 2013, for a global mercury treaty.
Slides from the webinar presentations now available!
The actual webinar video can be downloaded here and there.
Press Release - 4 December 2012 - Evidence shows mercury threat underestimated ahead of UN treaty talks
Also from colleagues around the world - SDPI Pakistan, AWHHE- Armenia, EeA- Spain, EEB/ZMWG FR version
Reports are now available:
ZMWG News Clips from Global Webinar